Sunday, December 28, 2014

better in theo

Baby paws on skin. I only cry on paper. If Mike can tell Jack how it feels, thought for a second I could tell too. But, past year rej, vul, and emb, uncertain rules. Baby paws running up cheeks, backhanded things. I only cry on paper, and it's all in theory.

endurrrr winggg

walking down that
suburban middle
line. street. tar.
listening to cigarette      daydreams
back to incoming, face it too
arms swing, hands come
to pyramid. praying for it.
tap the sewer like a ritual. endure this.

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

better know

Always looking for more ways to be a piece of shhh, shhh baby, take your medial writing skills.

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Bar back
Sexy stranger (doesn't exist)
Follow fingertips
             (Check please)

Honest future
               wee hours
next three weeks
Honor solitude focused
on a bear

headspace requires me
            don’t force

Better for a time

i took this poetry class and the professor acted like my poems were the sh...

Cat's pajamas.
I am a poetic genius.
                          ^Hush, hush, I get to be conceited
Because, that's not allowed. Aloud.

finger pocket temple doom

in capacitance written
back, back, sorry, the crazy is wearing

no, stranger danger, follow. kindness
old times show
brush with fame
say my name, say my name
call it slower than target

Monday, December 22, 2014

follow my crafted handle



Being dumped on the way to prom,
and having that runny mascara thing happen,
but, you know, with dignity.


Canceling was fine, but would have totally come. And, to-be-honest, can think of a better competitor. When pulled over to not-text-while-drive and then no-start. Got a bit of a fire. Feelings: sorry. See ya next year.

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

bend and stroke add pressure

in clothes, ins skins
   the afternoon is too late, even

Pretty Sure That is a Normal Size Font

I miss you from 10 years ago,
even though I didn't know
you then, and barely now

I'm certain you were better
at least, maybe,

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Don't, Cause it's Not Hard

Cults and Aliens and Robot-warriors. Maybe some falling trust tests. Make for sad. Not easy, but comes fast.

Monday, December 15, 2014

exactly how it should be
words build build, ok
for sure, you know,
like childhood pain--whatever
the fuck that is, see sitter, mans laughter,
been here whole time, can you

Saturday, December 13, 2014

listening is harder than speaking, but why not try, nevermind w/e

You should really publish that.
I did. On tumblr.
I mean,you should actually get it published.
I said it's on tumblr!

Totes, totes.

Deluxe and Atari: A Thousand Stacked Toes

We are living video games!

CryZone: (A Thou Sand Flat Oh's)

not my real dad, pocket hockey, some food euphemism

somewhat like what I like, but wait, what
somewhere under treats like ours. hold on
ou baby, ou baby, ou.
read aloud and follow along with your eyes
okay, get off me, I'm done now.  roam
this is how a harem  girl dances.    baby parts.
Alicia Silverstone 90's face

Greatly Offended When People Pretend . Not the Center of the Universe


Medieval, even.

Double Derp Standard

  four shockers, either way
  a close fit
do you think I'll get a summer writing residency?
MicroSoft Word 2010 loading graphic freaks me the fuck out
golden showers
using a slow computer makes it more painful: UTI

A Socio-performative Introvert

a new coin
a term
                     me performing for you performing for me
a pocket protection
a planner parenthood
                                    understand when I start
                                  exit, entrance, stop.  hearts, b
            me dissecting you dissecting me
without a hitched

Friday, December 12, 2014

likening fast rituals

Posterboard , one-time-use
I will get you back, again
find some nickel-and-dime
your way around it

Nick at Nite Long Ago

Evil geniuses everywhere...probably even Karl Lagerfeld...microwaved burritos and Mountain Dew and I Love Lucy...

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Object-making, Some Mistakes

A Nail.
A Transaction.
A Book.


Open, Engage

two-finger on a book

Monday, December 1, 2014

rising and falling unnoticed. looks

natural versions, unnecessary
 socio-performative introvert
  general competition with men
   if such a thing             exists

Friday, November 28, 2014

And Now It is All But on Top

more so again

Quarter-second Pressure and Slips

under, like silicon, like squares less distinct
          matches perfect   all doodles,   sweat
a second started, devastating and excitable

count your movements, making already  a
                                          coming for   strong
in brief cases focus, superhuman fluids

A Professional. Insertion

Pulsating ear. Stopped.
Medical lubrications, a metallic snare.

Exhaustive, superfluous, counting your
soles. Like smoke. Like shadows.  Never

Fifty minutes, OCD attention.    Cuts.  
         therapy.           Caution, too short
a question.

Pick Up, Take So Want

High, deep, low, doing it wrong

Helicopters sound like me, heartbeat

One, round Two, short Three,
                           sure hurts for

Get Off

Road course, understand. All the choices, couldn't.
 Still took, perpetuate that. Why not?
Is it ever going to be enough? Keep that
whiter. In lines misunderstood.
    Visual rhetoric.  Very exposed. Finding cause
Say it without. Speak. War and war.
Girls and guns and gold and outside your power. Never going to be enough.
     Super tough.  Vernacular of medium. Racism super. Shape up, who are you talking to?
It's not me. Pick up. Take it. Where.
Lower than deep. Do it wrong.

Is a Lesson, Is a Game

Make moves, map
      Spatial.       Identities.
Keep it closer, follow
  under tools like ours, get hot, get close

Sign me up, chances.
Topography and bones, all gone
    Play me,     stayed away
let alone, I feel it in my. Tongues

In Now

area of relief
   circle, button, top of me
is there? difference? between?
nice shirt and looking nice
    tell the cashier at Whole Ffff
she's got a 
area of relief
   can circle, buttoned, on topple me

I believe in Rhizomes now

A tourist, nearly ten inches,
a wall inside, the fifth-person

This year, scratching
the surface, this. You
refrain from carving your initials

I Tick Tock All For You

Catcalling: Portraits of the Employees of the Month
13 is a hell of a year: ceremony

up onto us

Rather not, running time
      arms and things feel necessary
 Left wondering, burning through
       cold into where oneliner ought
   See you waiting, come
        hold it longer with us

black box prostitute revisited

I will follow you
no, no, honey, that's the message
Rebel, and I'm dying
following, deep-sea diving

no, no, under    near and under
deep seed baby

a wave in the wall

we are found, bow, so baby, I can't believe it
nod in the direction, looking down
hair, shimmer, clouds,
call it tease, and away
give yourself to pieces, no pain

Do You Have Some Cash For Me?

I broke     every time.
     Let me see some ID
No rest.
     Is she legal?
It's just going to hurt
     Close enough.           Winks at
I am longing     honey
     Nice nails                   A half-smile
They threw my head.
     That way
Get you back.

Thursday, November 27, 2014

Hot Wet American Semester

obvious fem...famine

A lovely narcissist
A empty|A blank
    Project On

Rhett ProblematicS

take issue with survivor in almost all
are you victim
so, all are, why distinction
are you victory
Ivictim  Idistinct Ivictory  Icelebrate
when words rebrand an ill

New Mank in Town

not caretaker not role
     that momentary sweetness
just for Me and Talking
cheapened it  
no need public nice tainted
   so I guess  
it doesn’t matter anymore

how I saw through Mank
exploited niceties
penitrated them
with reward in mind

Sunday, November 23, 2014

Nesting Inability

Impetuous. Insubordinate.
Wants to live in hotel. A clean one.
Chandelier in lobby. 24 hour gym.
For 5 am. Swim. Pool on roof.
11th floor. No need for a microwave.
Prefers mini fridge. Coffee machine, most important player.
Revolving neighbors. Do Not Disturb.

Monday, November 17, 2014

and leg braces religious freak

and like I always thought maybe I was him reincarnated because I had some memories of being a little boy and in something I would call the seventies with leg braces and on wooden floors in a northeastern brick house and with a horrible individual for a mother and my mother is not a self-righteous religious freak but my grandmother on my father's side is without a doubt unbearable

Monday, November 10, 2014

A Sex Ual Ten Sion

I like a little
asexual tension

over streets like ours

folding corners
ceasing tires
               salt              waters
holding down

Held My Wrist There

points to that dip, an inch in,
points to the person, place, or thing
that held a little too long, a little too      pressure
just a little thing in the beginning, with
some time can break into blues


I'm writing like this
so I'm remembering
                       and it's fucking annoying.
     Like brushing your teeth is
     because it is habitual, but
     then when you forget to it's fucking disgusting.

You are fucking disgusting.
Why am I even thinking about?

Monday, November 3, 2014

Loyalty Report

on the contrary
*another voice*
on the contrary
*you are certain*
on the contrary
*I've been told*
far-out      on the contrary

nside/felt ou

inside felt out
or lie flat on
machine at 4
in the morning

Saturday, November 1, 2014

get switch click ween

Patent every idea, all of them
wait twenty years
do nothing at all until
make back the exact amount of money
you invested

say uncle

behind the sofa, uncle
beneath the cover, auntie
put it there for you
hid it in me

or maybe consumed accidentally

You either can't or won't

Trick, let believe
hold attention
influence and intimidate
all flattery blurs
and lies, gets what wants

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

If You Can't You Said You Won't

Lay your temple on your knee and pee.

I bury my feet in hair and make a nest there.

Forehead, middle, third eye--she called it lesbian erotica.

Because, my wetness wet her wetness--but, it wasn't.

A little trickery on my part.

Cold B Ending Yesterdays

driving alone   best way   listening
because, "cold bitch"   knowing
I thought I was with a grrrl, but she felt like a boi
writing stories about you in my head
knowing    no time, listening

Happiness Studies

With readiness consumpt.
Under treats like ours.
Mean production,
guilt and situation and influence.

Jumping high for, meaningful, pleasurable.
Plastic beads.
Heads up, and it's fat-free,
and authentic. Happiness studies.

Feel It Gone Yolo Torrents

            along the way you work, less shadowy
weigh now, in light.
transmissions    wet, sudden awe
    terror of emotion, well-known and expected

prolonged fun   avoid hurt
  field of    permissive, exploits
commodity fetishism   

                               in theory

Criminal Mischief

Blank Wall, round-the-clock
Stare experience.
Stay open. Removed
No was harmed.

Saturday, October 18, 2014

Disrupt this Space, Father Fuuuers

For all consideration, confusion, borders. Placed.
Liminal. Buzzword.  We talk ArtSpeak, pick n' choose.
Not a strange man, father. Bourriaud.

Bite down. Attempt piece.
Your concept, not me.
And, Daddy, don't walk around in your underwear, it's gross.

Fourteen-Year-Old Katherine Heigl in a T-back Bathing Suit, en Franccccccccc

eye words like and I'm
not one of your French girls
not going to be Lauren Hutton tooth-gap
to Tyra with Love from Top American
makeovers fool talk shows on "mommy"
"take the jacket, it gets cold at night"
still not enough, as if there is any care
"your daughter is Beautiful"


Don't fool yourself. I can be entirely different and I would stand, still

With All Possibe Sincerity,


And, I can never type Dear before John when composing a letter.

Can You Feel the Uh Tonight

Karaoke songs expressing an explicit emotion
Perform the contrary one(s).

To the Slaughter

I can see it: Think
Lamb. Think precocious.
.Shirley advert.

Don't presume that you know me.

How Much Longer Can I Let Them Think This Kumbaya Bullshit

Them, sensitive MFAs.
And, I, can't.

Friday, October 17, 2014

Those Ringer T-Shirts from the Nineties with Text like BRAT, BITCH, or PRINCESS

Still not attractive enough for this world.

Still Not Quite Human

Speak up, so don't let go so long, obsess about how abject, become a desire, mimicking their desire, like always, because, don't possess own, so, not borrow, beg, nor steal, but contract it, contagion, some emo-pantomime, a phantom-feel, know you don't want any of that dick, not even the tip.


It's just a hand,
can't we share this space?
What harm? Can it do?
With that article placed, just so.

People will ask questions,
based solely on my-unpermitted-actions.
You'll find yourself again
that same-uncomfortable-spot.
Under my hand.

CleverTrick. Indirection. ButIfYouLook.See.Acknowledge. YouGetIt.

Did ya get it?

Auto Pie

hide all the affectations    that    are second-nature by now,
because    so as not to    attract    anymore attention
than humanly    possible      .turn off.


Resting there. Hair
    Turduckin, sexy lady mud flaps
    all that. Undesireable. But, at least straight-up.
                             Not a "feminist sympathizer".
                             New term, not unlike "white apologist", which I have been called
                                                                                      by Sexy Lady Mud Flaps.
As if I have a choice. Be aware. Be, be aware.
                                                      A cheer.

Sounds Like the Person Above Me Just Started Working Out with an Ab Roller, Ten Years Too Late


Bet your apartments are too expensive for me
Fuck you, apartments.

Pull Tight

   open      study
chemical reason
                 rarely   works

Saturday, September 20, 2014


Dance. Grind. Vogue. We battle.
Get on stage--get kicked off stage.
We swim in a sea of sweat.
Meeting with the Williamsburg set.

Friday, September 19, 2014

Sunday, September 7, 2014




missed opportunities

With plans of, straight-edge virgin

In my handwriting:

.Controlled Vulnerability Studies.

Score one for the chubby 13-year-old.

Workhouse Arts?
Black Turtleneck.

An unfortunate middle-schooler.

Lipstain on teeth all night--like a bloody genius.

To finally land a friend who, without prompt, mentions
the connection between dress, uniform, and implied personhood.

Monday, June 2, 2014

Don't Look at Me With Tender Eyes, Because I Am a Rejection.Artist

Men standing next to me in darkened rooms.
Looking to their side, all they get are profiles.



When It Was New

Don't even know how.
Could have heard this
song. Do find the start
again. Magic Stranger, please.

Hear in, next morning.
Seems to be that empty. Like
bar. Catch self this time
Think you can read my mind.


when I have oldies. on.
darkest days, for miles
and if anything featured. Dirty Dancing,
I am pretty sure I'll die.
even twenty minutes ago.


Oh, what monsters
that makes me wonder...

stop masturbating to my brain

The Penis or Vagina Emoticon You Can Look Up on Urban Dictionary

The general appeal of all that is easily accessed is making it impossible to live. Still.

Money-making Youtube Channel

What happens when you microwave it?
Do you wanna see what it looks like in the toilet?
Don't steal it! 


Now walk away.

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

this is the poem=

**write poems that rework pop songs, like Justin Beiber**


In what ways? What roles? How do we?
In order? Can the everyday? Piece. Concept--

(More Theater Notes)

Void. Art major.
Theory. Develop. Deviate.
Participate. Personate.

Expanded version, discuss visuals
electronic submission. Read
Aristotle, avant garde. Post.
Artland and Theater Cruelty.

Bolt. Epic. Samuel Beckett.
Mad Theater, crossing boundaries.
Iron curtain. Read. Post.
Open. Puppet.


Peculiar museum person: peculiar curiosities steal, away to see particular items curiously: display.