Wednesday, August 28, 2019

silicon valley tactic:

fake it til you make it. disruption. set to this, ideologically a successful project.

two different rhetorical worlds: a multiverse with a demise

-sustainable practice
-community of artists
-active in field

daddy's fansite fact:

we came from nowhere
the swamp

circles somewhere, he took the breath from my open mouth. a storm locked eyes for the search for someone else.

that strong digipet

you are secured. we are precarious.
we listen like open arms for a plight we can't right.

we are full with ourselves too. your hard narcissism.
sorry for the way we looked. it was a kind.   of lie. and,
we didn't think a *toy* could, with emotion.

a button, and it's not even *real*

share , comment , save: more myth than reality

known wasteland: throat and lungs: into the air they card a card we never knew.
find you on a personal computer. assigned that intimacy before it was Requested.

//we slept on ice so we wouldn't move towards you.

the digital text

the gluten-free & woman-aligned


shadow meat: we've quantified a life
and trimmed he hair, a quarter inch too thick

uncontrolled intimacy, together a forehead

the end of cyberspace

I'm in the middle of a campaign
and, I'm playing with other people.

We didn't jump like they jumped.
We had a fear. The slowness isn't tactical,
but we'll insist otherwise. The end is near.

we told the remarkable story of they

 no one knows how i survived

*fear   me*

also, you are nice and smart and easy to look at

we are insufferable in-loves
*a warning sign*
sorry to leave you
to bro down
 your throat out

is there a mean equality

that allows a rouge violate/that preforates
a normative thing/a space to come in
*all safety* and have a cup of tea.


they said: but, i am not the internet

sitting in front of screen
trying to decipher
something you wrote me 3

texting her links
understanding for fists
not even the want back

could climb that built for overzealous (yet affluent) mediocrity

in&out, a standing (net profit) next to me

we are
on the back of language

*no patience*

practical and heartbroken. nobody is winning

we thank you for your serviced pain.
treat you to bad, pomo internethiphop
what is literal poems, even?

and, i want you to like-like me like i'm a hot pie

i love inuyasha, you kind of look like inuyasha today

we are the most heartthrob

and, we fell for it. "vegan edibles near me"
the id wants what the id wants

deny + mimic that hand

it closes in
above the head,
without a theory in its heart

~know that this is no longer our memory to carry~

we gave you the best recommendation, which we always relate to movie reviews

a performance for a performance

and, i know you have... new institutional meat
but, i wanted you to love me again. with an understanding
that we cannot help it. we are always dancing for daddy//

we said we were a vaudeville act. for daddy.


tell me why my fellow .my fellow.
prof might touch my back

to get an attention, for sure
instead of saying .say my name. .say. .my. .name.

...when i was playing a fatherfucking in-class video game with one of my amazing students!  

[search] "how bad is my recent art for the planet"

very fcking toxins in the air supply

Monday, August 19, 2019

we are night here . waiting .

but, we don't want anything to happen

we are a manipulation to make our absence form harder.

labor: i am sad
labor: i will just be
labor: i am glad

i had no intention of seeing it through

1)and, i wrote us into existence.
what's the joke again (friend?)
2)into any context.
discourse of the hour: our (love)

just to head in the right direction

and, we won't send her pics. and a mixtape won't get us back.
and, I'm like, are you going to drunk-text me something embarrassing?
otherwise, how do I know you care!? what is this mature relationship thing?

story time

i sold myself as a stage. to a director on.
and became a play upon.

he said life-sex-death, and i wrote it down, towards a public.

a space for talent
[we were a +one]

inside-outsider, privilege in the margin
more understated than you, trust fund. garish, but useful.
[exploration and examination of the quality of being. excluded]

In Middle Birth, at an institution that didn't know how to love me, she said:

between the coasts.
(somebody bad dies)

i saw some land of apocalypse//they should have hated me for it
//too nothing to survive
and former sci-fi authorship
professor who doesn't leave, not even in dream
every word i wrote for an institution that didn't know how to love me
(and the words I've arranged moreover)

i think im married too

I told her that desire was boring capital and she took it as a challenge and everything i think of is work and
labor is no good. Her father worked in a factory in 80s germany and during a strike, they became creative,
a mean production, and i am rethinking leisure. Maybe we just want to lay inside her, sunlight afternoon, in
our woods, where she runs. Eyes and ears like a cat. I think im married.

a token, history wrote me last month

*i collected a glorious forest. Starving, escaped the sea alien. To an arrangement wished dry*

Manifestation, Aries:

I wrote her into me. *hold a hand inside* before i met her. (to make an interesting jealous--it didn’t work) i named her of difference, but other details prevailed *unknown language in our room* country of origin, past patronage. *indiscernible speak, indiscernible speak, indiscernible speak, Trickle down feminism, indiscernible, margaret thatcher, speak* she dreams of me (valerie and wonders) willing to harem the time of day: innocence is kink *her muscles are really strong and smooth and i’m there (sprung) i’d suck her dick all day, every day.

a cop held his hand on my open window for 15 minutes to small talk this hostage

Story time, my storyteller, “what you do is fundamentally different than what I do. I write poetry with mind for structure and language, you write with theory.” “I doubt you are writing sestinas.”

I guess it’s sex and I’m there now.

*only has trouble articulating ~feelings~ a told of lack. Real. we apologize only for...she says, 
Never do that with me. Feelings are everything. I want to know how to make you feel good. I only want to make you feel good. All of your ideas are work. Work is not good. Dinner. Romance. Shoes?

:SPAWN: competitive individualism *** (pics, or I didn’t happen) ***Kraus would be proud.

I did an artist talk on-recent and gained zero. New. I turned down two solos. What career?
Performance of self. Self as performance. Everyone .       military complex | dream house

HIkey heartbroken every week for 10

To be optimized: the self: .millennial.      A full stop on either side, I wanted to know her better.

I weigh my paper, so

I can guilt my own. A poem we’ve contrived from a pound, a performance of written over the past month.  *this is the first break in a year--besides an XXXmas, which is hardly free--capital $ days in: we feel useless. This body is a worth of labor w/o difference of subject.

.it isn't always physical.

it isn't always voice,
the way we need to expand the stage,
.mutation of acceptance 
we need the same off-stage,
for sameness:
 inability to see self reflected


every social configuration needs representation.
but they hire you.
and now some task.
every social configuration needs empowerment.

a love letter written to align perspectives

how disparity arises out of hope
everything is unfortune irony

radical acceptance [rates] of difference as aggressive, but not violent, sociological restructuring.

(including within the body)

decentralization of power
performed across platforms.
publishing a dematerial relation
in multiples, hybridized, like its 2015

//to contradiction
//break language, breaker worlds.

.a simple composition of existing worlds.

from notes & theory

bullets for talk
connections too--
practice of timed delivery.

they are sorry, but

a note:
i am conditioning myself.
not to think of you.

we can become friends again, in the Stacks.
i know (most of all) my limits. can privilege with words.

unattractive. find one.

we have a child scar with a health of interest
we waited to be worthy .
we believed in ourself, butterfly.

that free, european ego cannot compute.
a #1 need. standardized text: top percentile.
                                               we go unidentified.

we are a silent cry in a public restroom after midnight

come in. find we.

*fear  me*

a contract written for full allowance before that consent was born

2x a week for 12 weeks
tell it all. make it easy.
reveal a thing before it breaks
dire selfish, droll desire.

and, we want you.
but, we don't want to hurt you.
but, we are selfish, so we continue.

in the surround. hot bodies, leagues, tropes.
a way to fund a life:we live like children(?)

welcome to us.

imagine you are mono

your body is a rare for desire.
you go *wet* w a glance.

you read countless books, rooms filled w eyes''''''''''
a study without a body, untoward feeling, years

go wet
get off
it's innocent
     ~a rhetoric we cannot debate, built on horror
                                                                  go wet.
                                                                  get off.
~a rhetoric built in the capital of desire
                                             cannot delete.

a list of throwbacks in a text

a haunting. a statement, 2 years ago, fraud:
but, you have no digital risk.
(but what about
    that one time?
what about that!?!)

we are romance for our own image

tall. heat. blonde.
tall, heal, blonde

pathetically devoted to me forever

me: have you ever seen--that scene from tommy boy, Who Cares? There's Still the Meat Lover's Pizza in the Trunk

and, i dream. and, she dreams.

despite all life choices. a simple fact:
when we need cash, there's a white man in our pants.


marry me, my married

we don't fuck with fidelity
    we feel safe.
    we fail rate.            all about control.
we prefer to call it uncompromising. brat.
we are what we are.

about waste.

poetry. apps. backpacks.

we are sprung.
but (!) we aren't in trouble.
we hold all the cards...
an equitable number of cards.

[we are not advanced, but]
    alarmingly manifest.

we choose our partners like our opportunities

26 yards.
   | 25 yards.
entirely unsustainable .
the entire show made of vinyl & mylar .

an affront to the organizations (even we'd rather) funded over art//