Friday, April 22, 2022

it was cold all the time.we couldn't eat.each other first of all


to repeat the obvious, the club is our church

 happy birthday

*rubs back*

we forgot a bday

*rubs back*


           for a 3rd year

RPT: my home state hates me :RPEAT

 (and disney)

where all the villains are coded smh

we said it's been a dry spell!

 watching into a space of love

trying to feel queer again, wet

gay even.

a closet of christians, to student

my home state hates me. you. &everyone

a extended travel scene, ant on the ground

 OPEN [EARLY EVENING] ant on the ground

travelogue, 3 minutes of filming

in a grayscale space, followed by tears

expletives in the dark

--must unprofessioned--

now i write poems in my head, we don't posted

 now i write poems in my head

while i rub my own back

*we've been a dry spell*