Saturday, February 4, 2017

something, earlier month, we all delete and follow horror: we repeat, THIS IS NOT SELF-CRITIQUE, THIS IS SOCIAL CRITIQUE

Some days you just have to sit back and reflect on all the ways you've accidentally insulted people and realize you would never be the lead in a Rom Com, esp not a holiday-based one...why can't I name one...ugh, now that I don't see my mum regularly--Love Actually--never be Colin Firth or Liam Neeson or whoever. *just realized the little boy who played in that played in mazerunner...I did not fact check this.
And then you ask yourself the question: what character would I be? Probably a villain, a relatively benign villian (and this is not self-critique, this is social critique). Besides, I couldn't think of a better character to play than an embittered ex...with a great wardrobe: ex-gf in Mannequin (you know how I feel about mannequins) or ? Billy Zane from...anything.

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