Saturday, March 31, 2018

divine downloads in you

the universe knows,
set a time aside for the first,
chaos magick and strategies

couple with saturn, then pluto
throw it around a bit, notice where to lay

Friday, March 30, 2018

the part we cut out of the email: delete, redo, delete again

...after a fairly painful final year at CMU (more violent and social-policing than I could extrapolate from the previous years, which is actually *hilarious* if you think about it)--but I'm working on it. ~almost deleted all of that, because it reads so much like an excuse, and I hate to admit to any of it, my own naivete most of all...but I'm just going to leave it, because I wrote it~and, because you understand what it is like being critical (as an act of generosity and equity) with an audience of people too defensive to acknowledge their own position within systems of domination and submission.

Wednesday, March 28, 2018

sweet dreams disagree and travel the world

look for something, and, as a result, 
real discussions cannot start. many 
people  escape the post-human state 

move towards a spiritual connection 
four elements of the universe in order 

become independent of wired energy, the
third eye and constant stream. stems from
ironic sense of humor making fun of IT, a
dream: esoteric belief and military politics.

showing their highed hopes,

showing their high hopes for international success 
      internet my things, turnt culture, less  in post-
practices and foundations. 
As long as there is no access to technological resources for ordinary computer users 
and culture makers that are available in wealthier countries.
No real tech wonders in public spaces.

survived a cyber attack, work all day. be true. make love to you

government and media servers were down 
& &&
data goes missing, there's nothing you can do. 

allow a person from anywhere to 
make love to you. virtual moves.
&& &
banking and taxes, give digital signatures 

invest heavily, don't want you sad and blue.

i never did anything to you man, you owner hands

intangible to most, an old myth.
world-wide increase in esoteric practices and beliefs


red flag, run

have yet to arrive, the turn has been brought

with its own extra touch. 
.  .  .
walk through the dark.
computer languages 
and pop songs from 
the nineties, work
it to someday.

A revival of specifics,
a currency for comebacks.

my darling, my memories are all that I take with me, it is the state of the cloud

Unfortunately, I will always love you.
Post-internet art’s bittersweet. And I hope
you have all you've dreamed of.  A profile that 
is superficial. And an aesthetic pretentiousness 
succeeded by maintaining an apolitical status.

I will always love you by putting emphasis on self-
marketing for content. A visual language, despite it all
resembles sci-fi movies from my first years. A Cold War.

there are no current opportunities

artist living in ____, pathfinder, statistics say 
non-citizens – wish to leave 
do not see cultural and social roles for themselves. 

post-national internet identity:

humiliations are a general network of lies.

the internet was born out of warfare,
there is no longer an escape from this.

feel how buffy summers preys

if we are being honest,
she was more painful than he ever was
but, the most pain doesn't mean the most harm

we know how to confront our own biases

i don't start out with a thesis, but a story

you must think it into its conclusion
and, it thinks of its boyfriend
when it has taken its worst possible turn
and it stops for a minute to breathe
the playwright must employ the accident within action
under me it takes its time, hard to see
human beings are their carriers

such a story, though grotesque, is not absurd

i am a now deleted tweet

once offensive, now obsolete

this transformation left painful traces:
hygienic, washable, glossy

Tuesday, March 27, 2018

usually animated, drink me, make me feel

play in the mental
life is a two-way dream
distress in the public

burning under your feet
return to me.

impossible not to see the struggle that has taken place.

transferred at a long distance of past experiences

at the first time of the daytime
under stained glass windows, descend towards the plain
I want to say, "I'm sorry," to the ghost in me

in scientific matters of sitting and staring
on the embankment lying dull and harmless below *lunatics*
Does it mean I'm sorry? Of great disorder

i would read plays aloud to you all night long, dramatic lighting hits my double-sided face, so beautiful it hunts to look at me

I go to town every time you go to work.

Don't deny me.
Leave the lights on.
We've got youth.

a presentable member of society

hunchbacked spinster, a celebrated person
the descriptions of a 90's text, and we should
write a play about 2 days in the alley *poor Venice*

Reminds you of the 90s...1890s?

No, in Chile, in 1990s, we lived under a communist regime.

sulking, some care to love you

even though critical walls techno tarot
and, you R haircut suggests you might
hold me longer now. music in elsewhere

a hold isn't a home without the blood that ties

and, all our sex
work is found in an illusion of capital
that never scenes on a front cast call

I know people who, live and die in fantasy
*they want you, they love you, they wait for you*

I know the minute I wait for another, years fall by
*they move on, for once, and you should be happy*

do we trade attention for affection?
hardly, caught a glimpse and fell asleep
there is nothing easy about it

decayed aristocrats, arteriosclerotic politicians

when they called the *media trashy,
what they were saying was the *visible

and, this encompasses a certain level of unacceptability within a group of people who pay family

little groups never leave the drawing


some toxic


requires a classical framework to maintain its shape

alas the word slipped out

in a text
in a song

in a thing beyond control
your interface is hardly at ease

I want to go once again
I want to come around again

large-scale agricultural schemes deal with the language of possible //digital

silent and shadowy bands

never see, never know
*your heart*

cult of excitement

a home I don't hold, over
 *my heart*

international daylight: the sound of you screaming

tired and weightless, I call you near
left-handed and rear, cloud-based seething
in a superficial way. large mountains range

restless nerves in the general vicinity of correction

a lively concept ,, absurdity plays

on a bed, think about how to change
myself of no great importance
good morning: misty crisscrossed range

clearing in some forested, covering our heads
dismal moor, clean our throats
whispering, warning: keep the streets for me

watch their sad eyes, understand they aren't going to catch me

find out reality (whatever the fuck that is)
and question why we present
how we do  (whatever the fuck that means)
to seem as good as we are (whatever the fuck that says)

Sunday, March 25, 2018

social + dreaming

trans substantiations~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

speculative futures as honest projections subvert the falsehood of concrete trajectory

3rd network. storyboard that mood

illegally crafting, and rendered more human by process
#23 is the default body,
  highlight everything related to haraway, swoon

very busy *quiet*
inspired to stay

even if they mean it in a positive way, reservations know it has been damaging

they say,
about one, about one,
lose it.
a language we base in performance
notes and bullets. reality

really thirsty threads are making me hungry

oh, magical mirror. the invisibility
quote, neoliberalism is good
authorized ventriloquist

Friday, March 23, 2018

i feel your many eyerolls

*i'm not known for my intellect*

what do i get?
ever fallen
(without looking)
for someone you
shouldn't have fallen
with? what do i get?


will be thirty minutes late, will look good on fake

some crux of the story
has to do with the alignment of friend's
stars and how off they insist on label to brand

colonial legacies of the future

we lock in on meditate, as if
a simulation isn't the real thing

dislocate habit, for all future prospects

some caption detailed how it unfolded

wishing on me, fulfillment
linked to an earlier time, when
potential was "still high"

any room {for me} in those jeans?

this party is a look: obvious

this body is too precarious and needy
to be positioned the way we see fit,

so, I'll just take nothing in exchange for it all.

Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Tell me about the Blood

Super. Super.
A simulation
Of when+where
You hold we dear

Fully informed container
Data that we process readily
Hold me hunger, young build
Know that longer times are needed


Briefly understood the momentum associated with it

And, there will always be a moment
When we want your pain too
But, self-righteous, we move on quick
To realize a so-called bettered
when we can just make politeness rude

Something rising, full self-amazement

Sometimes we look in the mirror
and, like you, also
think is lamb or ram? Ram.

And, it's my *effing* season.

Monday, March 12, 2018

the advantages of being

report themself, some honesty
you think: only because it is a
small infraction, imagine
*people in blue*
owning up on the regular, it
doesn't happen. \\let's not be cynical//

backwards and forwards, can beauty and politic coexist?

I don't want to know anyone who won't take someone seriously just because they own a Frozen notebook.

*you will just stay friends*

this one is mine, holy shit, "march 12-march 18: a confession, and an intense conversation"

*you make things harder for yourself, you think it has to be perfect, nothing is* okay, okay, a lot on indies.


*you were creeped out by them, i see that you are always creeped out when someone finds you attractive. they aren't actually creepy. they aren't actually a stalker, but you feel this way* werd.

Wednesday, March 7, 2018

millennial terror skill

 long as
life imitates art
 art parallels
networked, neoliberal capital

standing too close for comfort.

Monday, March 5, 2018

my horror story, oh no! i didn't. can't believe you didn't!

tell her.
opportunities aren't exactly as they present
to be, and i'm like, "fuck yeah, A." call me
one more time. and, i'll take you out soon.
tell her.
some potential is coming back for more
that we can meet somewhere between
because, no fire alarms, rustic kitchens.
tell her.
we found a way for free, by accident
just like they said: we are easy. trash
i've never wanted anything so long.

as we examine a life. cures are goal-oriented

a user is in one state,
typically ill, a
body impaired

get to the other state,
complete negation
of previous one

*technological or medical means*

disappear from people
a narrative of cure applies 
some conceptual framework

their own bodily relationship
is abled or disabled
from one become the other

assumes the given state only exists as a problem
solving is its negation: an obvious moral good
needs and conditions falsely construct binary states—
—shadowing everything between or outside those options.

trend rather than practice: thought of you

conditioned by white women’s desire to obfuscate the power
begotten by their whiteness: haha, i love you + miss you

occult is after all about power that obscures its origin: hope work isn't too boring

historical connections, sublimated, continues to magnetize the appeal: excited to see you soooon

mothers are
sympathetic to this appeal
even as suspicious of it;

it marks a desire to be contrary
to the colonial project,
even if it does not always enact it.

mantle themselves: savage

widely circulated misstep resonates with efforts
tech companies aspire: mid-17th-century atmosphere
their products: New England folktale
accessible and inclusive, threat of witches follows
their grounded intimacy with a coveted land

keyword for product narratives: a fear of the Natives
wider recognition of sociability and sexuality
objects deemed unruly, often invited to be subjects
user research, telling and expected

generalization of individuals, an in-coming
matured a user group, categorized revival
constructs crude: interest, broadcast by crystal-wearing enthusiasts
at the beginning of homogenized stories, assumptions

expressed discomfort, community2

 gloves with sensors
 hand gestures that correspond
 capture the actual manifold
 facial expression and body movements

fiction animates subtext of narratives without urge

speculative opening in a thicket  of actual needs
we witness naked figures   prioritized and reinforcing bias,
gathering    operational assumptions

hair is long--inclusive features
their language, foreign

iconic round-the-climactic
rituals of the reveal, a reductive idea
living in the woods

subtle, fleeting film   about their bodies
understanding just off frame, their disability

and a need for care