Tuesday, February 28, 2017

the po.po. is possessed by memory

White girls, running through their minds

Sub:this is about race for victimhood id

their curiosity confounds we away

And, we are just an open, imaginary, green swing,
Project onto, with all the unmanageable. Why we
still so seen blank? Written all out, but not written
All over, may we buy you. Wild horses couldn't take

*you are welcome*

&sometimes we misinform to see if you'll correct

&sometimes we use the 'wrong' word to see your sideways glance, a stilted and polite response,

&sometimes we understand the horror and delight of consideration and ego safekeeping

&we also respect you a little less each time

an advertisement for self

Some sage once told me that
realness is a losing battle,
"all the pleasurable aspects but
none of its serious side effects."
it puts the lotion on its skin
(it's me, but we don't lotion)
                   * *
it only uses things with single
ingredients, it's inflated self-worthy

an Arby's advert

Some sage once told me that
realness is a losing battle,
"all the pleasurable aspects and
all of its serious side effects."

green-hued-90s-music-video, i thought we were obvious

and, somehow i can't believe that
we *gold star* and stilt, stilt, stilt,

(this happens when music plays)

what can a guy like me ever really
offer? a pronoun.      Comes to speak to me
                                  comes when speaks we
                                  coming high above me
                                  coming to speak--speak
 trail off...thought we were done for debs

they were somewhat afraid {peace sign} they were taking it out on me

hurry down. kicking back, far too soon.
*some song playing far out of tune*

i dream that i think of you {white lines}
*NPR-voice* is it in the data-gone mine?

cutting backs. future's past. settle up.
some tactic of the apocalypse *strumming*

you dream you know me {subtle fights}
*hungryman over you* and i. full stop.

please *not much sucking, I'm spitting mine out*

and it isn't too kind,
and it isn't too nice,
and it isn't too pretty,
nor is it too generous,

nor do we give too such a fuck.
there is a common ground. nature.
does anything seem so-calling
authentic yet, tell me, if there is
nothing wrong with luck--it's only a minute deep.

"thanks" like after a set, said real, real sweet. "thanks" lie after a set, like real, real down

it doesn't meat much
give me mine <some high pitch>
only [low key] in passe
only [on fleek] dirty,dirty means,
a falling out with unattributed, me

finally full publicity rights

she said, "except everyone sees it."

OH, we hope so.

I found it! I feel like my previously teenaged brother today, this week, this life. Horoscope says things will be looking up, so...

we will burn this whole placed down

We say it again: bro down with your throat out--call me never.

Also, we like pie. For with vegans, we like a pie.

Do I have to S-P-E-L-L it out for you. nope, nah,
because certain invasive

                                        OWLS will set out to, feel entitled
to both your gender and sexuality as much [] any-ol-perv []

Sometimes you gotta tell a mister, "You don't known me."

Hey, MR, don't presume to know we!
And, thought you'd notice better than
most that we like the taste of blood.         For with vegans.
                                                                *surprise, surprise*

Saturday, February 25, 2017

sometimes we get too much credit

Everyone wants to think there is more to it.
There is! *some well-written facebook rants*

in love with the shape of you. nothing else

Fishnet tights underneath jeans as both an extension of a high-waisted pant, and as a corset.

free rituals

they said

they. are. never. fucking. free

"at this point it is sadder if i delete it"

+i deleted it+

It's true, and I'll double down again *my rage only makes me stronger* posting on FB where they will never read it (read it: self-dep, sarcasm)

Future-fear is real. And, it's not just political this time. It is what is irrationally cared and worried about the most: no collective, just selfish-fucking-anxiety. We have no prospects. We are dying. We heard the worst artist from our department (and I mean worst as human + thinker + producer) be told they were being put up for a magazine's mfa prize yesterday and we were like: this is the most backward thing I have ever heard. <Also, old men should start to think about expanding their definition of what is sculpture to at least the 19fucking90s> And this is how old men help other men get ahead, by being so regressive and exclusionary in their thinking...holy fuck, even this bullshit is an allegory for what is happening--we don't have the energy rn. Because we have nothing but "dress for success" and everyone else (everyone! haha) has all the security, but we are desperate with voices that will never be heard. Something about screaming into pillows at night.

thank you lana del rey

So actual excitement that one of the nights to
happens on my bday.

*an extra bitter spirituals for you*

make poetry out of after effects tutorials

Imma open book.

FAR CRYing alone in dark,
certain underwear, no socks

Thursday, February 23, 2017

I'm cutting all of you out of my will

someday I will be rich or famous enough to pay someone. love me

It's all about finding out what works for you: like getting really sick and sad and scared and knowing that you have no one in close proximity that you can be emotionally vulnerable with (and knowing how pathetic that is because you have been in said city for over 2 years and emo-unavail is sort of your m.o. and you always thought "die alone" was the best future in MASH anyways) and making really bad videos, which are passable as art. Or, like, getting super drunk and filling out job and residency applications.

make me feel like i'm the only gggggggggggrrrrrrrrrrrr in the world * like a hot pie

would the world be a better place if there was an "attractive tax"? eff you, attractive ppl...just kidding, let me look at you longer. thanks!

feel me . looping for hours .

tire tracks on legs, no virgin skin . territory
is tatted and it was a bad idea . oh well .


i drink my fill with the flowers, such a beautiful day.

we need a booze budget, happy gallery.

full service, no guilt, and day becomes night. FAM

when it comes for the patriarchy it's fuck or be fucked. 
admittedly, sometimes both. ask me about my illustrator skills 
                                                      (not good. they are not good)

on a heavier note: I will flock to Amsterdam with the models and bloggers too

Free-bleeding. And it all got a little
too hopeful for a second. Some crash.
Hindsighting and now: there is no us in US.

*and if they only knew who we could pull

*maybe I'd get a little respect. Or, maybe they'd at least be flattered.
Be flattered! We aren't intrusive and we cute!

like a basic butch

I keep willing them to context me. In the middle of the night.
But they are far too play with me, cool. For that. Plus, in so much
fluff, they don't think of me in the middle of the night. And, whatever,
that is great. Fine. But, I still feel guilty when I zero-response throw my
phone down when it is just a message from a good friend. Good
friends aren't for texting back. We've already got that, like, locked.

They will never fucking text in the middle of the  night,
too controlled, but that is what we relate to, so...

Also, full of conflict thinking of everything annoying they do. Fucking annoying. And it was never real anyway, it is just like everything else: never real but always somehow effing true.

Ze needed to know wanting was possible and We needed character development, and sorry to be unromantic, but it was necessary and fun, right? And benign, right? Made ZWe feel good, right?

Working overtime,
kind of pantomime.
But, last fall, no one was going to come,
w/o much hope around, spring is worse.

leave us so, it happens though,
I will meet you whole. It's strange.

*But, only partly untrue. So sure some is up to you.*

Falling for the bottle blonde. All wrongs.

things are simple. we are simple. and samaritans

In a way, maybe,
They just seemed like They needed the attention.
Fair to give them mine.

But we still play,
*baby, I get nervous, just being in your service*
Some same path, you and I.

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

they said, "this is what i've been waiting for all these years."

...and, it was just we, being vulnerable <w/o liquor> for once

*we are just the worst. the worst kind of man. a very bad man*

push candy, and maybe that is what honesty is for, a thing so subjective it is already unreal,

'truth' is a divining tool

I'm only asking for a friend:

You know when you see old-friend, long-time-no-see, talking about traveling,
you know, someone you are very comfortable with, no smalling feat, breathe,
someone you wonder about, why you have never gotten together, someone
who has has said before--making you question for a second--has said before,
drunk + high, "if only you were a guy, you'd be perfect," for a second, stomach
drop, you aren't enough, for a second, stomach ache, they have some unspoken
want, who knowing now, all-new-rarely-before-maybe-first-time-in-five-years
you too have a want, some stuff, some not-quite-desire, but interest, probably
dead & vapid, some superficial gone-when-gotten thing, how it goes in fantasy,
but, yes, now knowing so-called-crush, they say withs defeat, "I hope you get
everything you ever wanted,"  and if you were to think about it too long you
would be stuck--the worst--stuck, you'd just (over-drama) die, because you'd
give them anything they could possible ask for (fucking anything), despite how
you feel: it would ruin what is here, repeat: it would ruin what is already here?

We Are Sooo Sick, NYC Reprieve: you don't own them anything

especially all this journaling

w/e this is my electric chair

it is about the dissolution of 'self' in an increasingly pervasive social.
and stuff #ffff

there is no 'we' in world wide web

oh, wait.

*we multiples*

in 3 years when honey booboo emerges as a totally respectable, oscar-nominated actress (how old is she--at least 18, right?)...

we can't imagine the world in 3 years rn (or at least the US)

*there is no us in US

+we like overperforming for you+

*it feels more like choice*

Thesis will be 100% the 'stupidest' thing I've ever made in my life.

you are welcomes

*changed to poetry

-also, i don't care if you think this is mean-spirited or tmi or w/e. i'm not a quiet person! so what

-also, soa website has like zero seo rn

_I thought the conclusion to this story was going to be "what if this person is myself!?!?"

-like, "oh, no, is my work male-centric?!?!"

-all work is prob accidentally male-centric, even in it's not-man-ness...that is the sad thing, they don't take we stand-alone 

_Kevin Brophy no, like you are the person that gave yourself a hard time and you have to delete emails you've sent yourself 

-oh, no. you know who...but w/e!

-end of movie is NOT a twist where she kills herself/is the patriarchy

This is what happens when I need to order lumber and finish an il design~but then read an article about Kristen Stewart's ex Soko, who hates septum piercings and I'm like, septum piercings are cool. back off, dad!

We so, so, so vanilla. Please tell we I'm not the only one that worries about not being adventurous enough--barely used this body. Gonna get that septum piercing I've wanted since I was 11. That'll show everyone. Also, gonna self-pierce, because I'm hardcore. And, I have a cold, fever delirium. It's stuffy, stuffy nose stabbing time. I hope I get an infection! Is this my 4th quarter-life crisis, or just early-mid-life-crisis?..don't answer that.

things too personals for FB

BenQ GL2760H 27-inch

they can't all be gems--why am I pink logo, why with the shirt? who?

  G, J, H, and me, if an undergrad didn't make this..!
Am I being told I am a girl? But, you are right, women don't need heads.
                                                                                          ()read sarcasm()
Well, mannequins actually don't. we guess.

when they don't answer back--they hate you!

blame it on the fever! it must be the fever!
4dreams, we don't even know words.

Monday, February 20, 2017

other prospects got on w a y better than t h e hermit

You have met someone who is going to slip through your fingers if you don't start putting out the right signals. You know what those signals are so start flashing the green light for go!

*never said we wanted it easy. Never said "real". Want the slipping, it's all about the slipping*

Sunday, February 19, 2017

it's all about service

roles we expect...

but, yo, it is more

it's about othering...

but, wait, we're not done

it is about object, alien, cybourgeois

the future (of ai) is female

AI, in and of itself, is genderless...so, job market                                                                         ing

  and we hope to never make you comforted
  and we hope to continually misinform you

life is larping




not having a pet is straight up masochism

Even if you're not the type of person to really understand the concept of missing someone, it's nice to say it. Plus, maybe that is what that feeling is...who the fuck knows.

Oh, gud, I just remembered my dead-sweet-angel cat and my dead-badass-hilarious grandma...I do know! And, I never miss any of you, not really, everything is a fucking lie. And, I want Dolly back from the dead. Fuck this fucking life!

Posts like, feels like, so what, mine's 'criticality'.

When a v specific artist who's already 10 minutes late decides to get coffee and says to the barista, "Charge it to Carnegie Mellon, fuck Carnegie Mellon, they can afford it." I'm like, "Dude, bro, broseph, I'd rather them pay for my skowhegan application, or pay for the entirety of my thesis materials." But, yeah, sure, funny lecture though. Can't wait for the studio visit.

And, I am terrified that we are vetting a partnership of...idk, prestige over intellect...esp after said artist "loves Pittsburgh," and "walked to highland park," and repeatedly asked about squirrel hill. *Nobody outside Pittsburgh wants to know about sq fucking hill. I'm going to lose my mind.

compliments are not transformative

Okay, okay, I think I just figured out how to describe a productive critique: okay, okay, I don't want you to tear me a new one, but I don't want the same one back.

we want a.j. hair from foxfire again

Finally replaced we marriage ring, and 1st day out, already gone. Lost. Some allegory about ownership. Guess we aren't meant to be. 'Diamond' too. V value. Admittedly it never fit. Not much actually does. Will you at least still hold my hair out of my face when we vomit? We want to vomit all over you...forever. SweeeeeD.

your fb is literary


Finally sending someone a text message you've been dying to for ages, and then when they don't respond within 3 minutes pretending like it was meant for someone else. Just kiddds, no shame

Manipulating someone's view of you by sending a text with a salutation to another person (a fake person with the same first 2 letters of the name as the person it was actually sent to) in order to give someone false insight into your character...or to give someone insight into your actual character through surreptitious means..

or, just for character development, or need (literary) character flaw or conflict

clip of that movie w heather graham where she beats herself up at the end that i saw on late night cable in the mid-2000s

We want it to be last summer.
Oh, fuck. Oh, fuck. Oh, fuck.
Okay. I'm fine.

This is fun: rich-nyc-painter/seminal-pictures-generation-artist-arm-candy said to me,

(cornered me, arm on wall so we couldn't move), said to me, "You could have picked a better boy name than Kevin." "It's my given name." (and it's a great name, so common, perfect) "Oh, I thought you were just a hip, cool trans kid." (because it's a trend, obvi. read sarcasm) "Well, I am trans."

changed to 'poetry'

what do you do if the google search of "your name + artist" brings up a person who made your life hell for the first half of grad school/a person that you delete emails and texts from so you don't have to see their name because it makes you sick to your stomach/a person whose violently emotional demeanor is something you have to withstand on a regular basis/a person whose self-important-unresearched-backward-70's-style-male-centric work is diametrically opposed to yours comes up as the only other artist in "related searches"? also what piece of shit is looking me up before or after him? how do you tell google: opposite day! how do you say: yo, google, i thought you surveilled me, didn't you note the months' old Linkedin decline? we want no association.

and, it (easiest) bruises, bleeds, scars

Vulnerability is attractive to a very specific type.

And, they just want to enact pain, to leave a mark.

What do you think I'm saying?

*we have the softest skin, because no one can touch it*

Thursday, February 16, 2017

repeat, in-silence-we-wetter

like great job: wish so hard
everyone would say, "really? you?"
at least this is perfect for my desperation appeal,
been trying to jumpstart that for sure whiles now.
like great job: the one person that might be smarter
like the one person we cannot read, cannot read~well...
so gross, though too, (also v glad for my teen dream journaling)
too careful, and too sweet (i know normally i would be cynical,
i mean i am, wth, not-real, right?), too deep wounds,
like my clumsy words will just tear a whole, whole...field of--
think we mean, tiny mouse. [we def offend] and we left self
wide-open this time, wide open to everyone else, also too easy

It's Not Going to Happen

cause "she's" so high above me

and, i smiled at them and immediately out-of-seat-and-over-by-me (i never had tried an invitation before, at least not purposefully) but, then we shyness. we didn't even talk to them. sometimes we just sit or stand silent in presence...or talk to everyone else...and acknowledge only in aloneness...near-alone...i think we're alone now...maybe they are embarrassed to-be-seen-with, or maybe they know in-secret-we-wetter, but punish me, It's Not Going to Happen

watch we need

just kidding!

Real question though: is it possible to catfish the dom? the dad? the big bad? someone powerful...like a president?

calling it re:searching

Have I told you about my newest script yet? "if the john moves along, she can sew it back on"

distance does make me more

don't be mad about it
i can hold you from here
and you cannot blame my joy
touching down is for keys
we silent cry for free


and, it's not about, it's never about, it's always about me


direct during my message *modesty*

upload me to the cloud

sorry i just got a little angry

and before that: sometimes you can't smell the cheese until you type.it.out

i'll never predictably use the word "beautiful" again, we compromise

do not presume that you know we

ppl are taking that "ring" thing wrong,
we are talking about phone alerts, bros

*not marriage shit* fuccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllFMLFMLFMLFMLFMLFMLFLM

thanks for your patience, love-stuff:

I am lost in your sparkling rights.
Your most hot, wet body politics.

I will try to teach you how to grow your
hair into territory they cannot control.

Touch is only to read your palm
in some calming social lube.

I accidentally started listening to Alanis Morisette--it's not the 90s

thesis wall text

we read work, and it was good, but, it was too hopeful

but, stay hopeful
even in its offputs

because, they are stripping rights, rn

we are insidious. it is political

* Beauty-Death-Kill *


*someday you will trust me*

actually, probably not

we don't lie, but it's tricky

not-lies hurt

maybe youre the presence. living other people. they got their bruises


trance in+out
trans   in+out

the thing about performativity is that it can be queered both ways, but fuck if even the most-woke will note, causal we are full in this gaslighting sitch. no one actually listens to the words you say

to their face

"you are as straight as your hair"
"100percent, just afraid"
"but youre totally a girl"
&we hate on him, they don't
but he said the same thing about them..."all millennials look queer"


mission review, some text too

funny, they are just words. simple ones

really, poetry of me is all in the brainwashing
don't take it out on we, it was the brainwashing, the brainwashing

i want to be dirty

in the shower is where you lose all thought, because you have all the ideas, write with clarity and biting poetics, and the running water steady noises some minds, but the head goes off--the song has lyrics and you can hear them now. the music is the mine and you lost...your effing shit again, bonerrrrr

in your pretty prison
think you
love me

bodies on affect, do little bleeds heal?

                               (on QVC)
                               (our free)
                               (cut deeper)

find generous in criticality, and
self-help-we               structure: Dad bod

is a transformation movie from the nineties

<we love nineties>
queering identities, alternate to Dad, preposition, a million dollars,
but fully problematic in its own dangerous prescriptions, no wifi

magic erasure correctives

not leading with best, like in titled, "language is important to you"
not best in showing, preemptive response, "have you heard of lawrence weiner?"
do not make me barf/laugh/wishUharm

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

big industrial machine

things are different today,
disappear. studio + craft,
the rest of the world has changed...
commercial, the texture...set, type

throat, mouth, slugs



stole that from caseyjaneellison

i know my mickie reads

and they are all love
                    and cozy
                    chill, twin
of favorite things, soul sisssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss

the same rich past you+i

used in aloof, so fucking jade
now, works in reverse
over-eager and excitable~

                                        ~want our poker back

soft spot

head space



horrorscope was all wrong

nothing should ever happen

Deepness is a thing not a place

I don't actually believe anything I say either

What are emotions, even?

can I use your address

so I can keep my fl st tag

this is the sound we make at midnight


Tuesday, February 14, 2017

this is the gift of me

i really think i pissed someone off this time,
and, i thought i would care more, would've
thought being 'unliked' by them, unlinked,
specifically by them would've hurt, would've
caused stress and paranoia, but biggest fears
are often true: guess i don't give a fuck about
the opinion of anyone else but myself--and
that is scary. out of sight, out of mind, 6mo-crush


i always knew May would end we
much like the movie Dirty Dancing


as long as the audio doesn't sync to real life, w/e the hell that is

blood tied
 A / S / L

I'm a lil lamb

slow down tutorials


Monday, February 13, 2017

well, damn, your horoscope says you value modesty

i'm screwed.
why am i even looking.
jk, i'm not even looking.

some scars (and bruises and cuts)

you didn't know you had
you are me

i love having a diary

it is bad-teenage-poetry
so sad, so fucking sad
i love it
loves it

we smiling as we type

*i am your idol*me.e.me*
*distance makes me more*

you know we: painful and conscious <:> you know we: not grateful, not cautious

displaced urges        
it is hard
spasms of denial

crawling, hastily-membered, low-budget parade

*we ache for denial* *and we are your favorite author* *incarnate, we promise*
                                                                                         *ask my mental illness* 

and i wanted to say this during...but you were being cold...and i was laughing to ignore...and probably was ahh, not-your-favorite. i know. i know it now: i am not-your-favorite, and i hope you two have a beautiful life together. guess he has a penis, if you're into that sort of thing. w/e. but, all bratting aside, good riddance, and i'll still let you know

usually i see your work as creating a dynamic of change, where difference can alter the landscape over time. this can happen over multiple mediums, aesthetics, and it didn't this time.

i can see the poetics in wires tightening and releasing, along with the text, along with Your words for once, but hold-all-personals             some sexual, but not               8maybe post-election depressions8

where is all that hope, not just symbolic, but happening. embedded in the code, the actual thing. if you acknowledge the power of language, how can you miss that 9now0 in your own workings. not one for stagnancy, there should still be a chance for my body. avatar. through presence to create change. where difference inserted in space can over time alter the language, the structure of sameness

why does everyone think i have no chance?
are  you too good for me?  that's  not  real!

we see with problematics for the first half, but, damn daddy

+crass and simple souls who reduce fucking2fucking
who are too childish for the grownup world of suburbs
too uncivilized to give a shit
too arrogant to respect daddy
trust only their own animal
prowling for emotional thrills      and excitement
                                                     disgusting, nasty
violent bitches    teeth    shiv   icepick up his asshole

*they knew they could get away with it*

                                                 we are cool
                                         skirting asexuality

-the nicest women are raving sex maniacs-mid 20 cent

some wall text: there is no text on this page

some  abuse  is understandable
but with use make anxious care

touch we
touch we
touch we
touch we

okay, we've decided we could totally seclude in the woods for 4 months, via 15k

visit us, 4h 6h 8h away from civ, hold we in the dark

rolling applicants, all the friends, I teach by day,
movie rolesplaying by night, am I becoming her,
did not with expectation, but pretty sure
$$$talks and we feel it in our bones, but
                                                    no porn, thanks

anybody who wants it can have it

and just come back to we for once, bring your sister too
like all things decided, and I'll stop thinking about he+she,
because this is how he werds
and I will stop thinking of she+she, like on my marriage
because we are antsy for EU rn

       *                *
      EU             RN
some imag  ined guns
   I'll thi          nk in
      U        +       I

some image of a heart, formation
like all unfortunate schoolboyzzz

we are also pie you cannot eat

and there is inequality in our field too,
but make sure to     delete my cookies.

Sunday, February 12, 2017

exit-dom-large, HTCone ALL

relational bruno latour music
untitled cory doctorow camera
artist as facilitator lonelygirl15
haraway, situated accelerationism
alain badio-are-u-an-aries images
stengers ss04october fuller_goff
demon you too unauthentic three

eval like the mediammm

                                                            have paid much attention to the importance of affect in contemporary
capitalism in recent years, to its difference from identifiable emotion, and to the links
between affective labor ae abstract forms of
materiality and infrastructure. Less attention, however, has been paid to the precise
ways in wensed links between affective configurations and the broader,
unstable networks of agents and mediators of which we are a part, with their difficult-
to-perceive boundaries and their correlancertain-
ties, are being assembled.

just straight-up chunks of thesis now: this is brainwashing

We read Nietzsche when We were, like, very young. We also overmanned it. Later, We crawled out of our cave on the self-righteous mountain top and came to a conclusion: the over-man is not desirable, is over-nothing. We reversed it, noticing that the self-made only exists in a vacuum, that cave, where no breath can escape. If We over-anything, We do it in the social. We’ve tried it out. We’ve brain-washed you into believing some, now, fact. Like, maybe that We are clever or quick or angsty or loud or beautiful or repellent:  We made We together. And, if you repeat something enough times out loud it becomes real. Because, self-help seek with We, this is brain-washing.

We read Nietzsche when We were, like, very young. We also overmanned it. Later, We crawled out of our cave on the self-righteous mountain top and came to a conclusion: the over-man is not desirable, is over-nothing. We reversed it, noticing that the self-made only exists in a vacuum, that cave, where no breath can escape. If We over-anything, We do it in the social. We’ve tried it out. We’ve brain-washed you into believing some, now, fact. Like, maybe that We are clever or quick or angsty or loud or beautiful or repellent:  We made We together. And, if you repeat something enough times out loud it becomes real. Because, self-help seek with We, this is brain-washing.

We read Nietzsche when We were, like, very young. We also overmanned it. Later, We crawled out of our cave on the self-righteous mountain top and came to a conclusion: the over-man is not desirable, is over-nothing. We reversed it, noticing that the self-made only exists in a vacuum, that cave, where no breath can escape. If We over-anything, We do it in the social. We’ve tried it out. We’ve brain-washed you into believing some, now, fact. Like, maybe that We are clever or quick or angsty or loud or beautiful or repellent:  We made We together. And, if you repeat something enough times out loud it becomes real. Because, self-help seek with We, this is brain-washing.

We read Nietzsche when We were, like, very young. We also overmanned it. Later, We crawled out of our cave on the self-righteous mountain top and came to a conclusion: the over-man is not desirable, is over-nothing. We reversed it, noticing that the self-made only exists in a vacuum, that cave, where no breath can escape. If We over-anything, We do it in the social. We’ve tried it out. We’ve brain-washed you into believing some, now, fact. Like, maybe that We are clever or quick or angsty or loud or beautiful or repellent:  We made We together. And, if you repeat something enough times out loud it becomes real. Because, self-help seek with We, this is brain-washing.

We perform unnamed social experiments

Digital platforms represent a translation of the ‘real’. We are under construction all the time. 
We sometimes point to this.

Art is also a device. xoxo

++My newly bleached Artifice is also a device. Vehicles and devices remove us from our language-place, remove us from our standing within it; and, with any luck, remove us from prejudice and bias that is filtered through our conditioned personhood. Identify We.  Let us try to look from a different eye. Post-human universal, all voices matter: Speak We.++

pdf read my thesis: acknowlegments, weareproduct

We thank all voices. We speak for ourselves. We speak for you as well.
Feel with freedom, sure, to speak for us too. You know you always do.
Prescribe some more, We like it. But, do please notice the construction.
We feel so for these mediated bodies. They make us We. Consensually.

[fck]but don't lay a hand on we

image of a thing representing me
image of a being representing me

flesh of a being representing me
flesh of a thing representing me

some amusement to be had
we telephone number, attack

*specializing = sexualizing, thanks autocore


too late, you said it out loud and it is as real as anything

and now I confronted it
despite actions in realtime

I'm so over.

we only think about you without a ring

...or bell, or whatever the text alert sound is {stomach's ache}

and, you're no lady

anything you wanted, you couldn't of had it

we don't mean to lie
we didn't mean to be a cun+
+please don't go, we love you so, and we will eat you whole:sweetbang

you won't be here when the thing it said was going to happen is going to happen

But, I will runaway in time to not be able to give you the thing you need
I don't deal in needs. Give you everything I have, but I don't want anything
back. We don't have want.  we don't have the rights to needs. There are needs,
We are not interested in one.


And I'm not even good at it,
We feel guilty about specializing them.


the one is an idea

get nervous
Just being
Words are

And get
Obvious^ but so
casual------------some songs  ~call you better
                         <fuck> don't lay a hand on we

Tuesday, February 7, 2017


Kevin will celibate your life. Earnestly. We bleed auto-fiction.

Kevin will celibate your life. Earnestly. We bleed auto-fiction. 

Kevin will celibate your life. Earnestly. We bleed auto-fiction.

Kevin will celibate your life. Earnestly. We bleed auto-fiction. 

Kevin will celibate your life. Earnestly. We bleed auto-fiction.

Kevin will celibate your life. Earnestly. We bleed auto-fiction. 

Kevin will celibate your life. Earnestly. We bleed auto-fiction.

Kevin will celibate your life. Earnestly. We bleed auto-fiction.