Sunday, January 8, 2017

AJ was a self-described bi-sexual poet who got married at 17 to emanc
ipate herself from her Lexus-driving mother (lucky it was Open). Who,
through neglect at the beach, almost killed the kid she nanny-ed for ov
er the summer in Sweden (I'm guessing brain damaged from the story).
I would drive her home after Creative Writing every week. I would st
op in front of her building. We would sit in the dark and talk for an ho
ur. She would always tell me how she liked to smoke a bowl, write po
etry, and masturbate before bed, then she would always ask me if I wa
nted to get lit before her boyfriend-husband got home--AJ was smart,
wry, understood the importance of character-flaw, and was obsessed w
ith Margaret Atwood.                  *none of you + I know her anymore*

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