Saturday, July 22, 2017

i had this boss that overheard me talking to a coworker and my sentiment ended with me stating, "And, so I pulled away and said, 'Don't you ffffing touch me!'" and my boss was very concerned, he said, "Did someone try to touch you while you were out?" (I was the shopper for the company), he was very concerned and interested

until he found out that, no, the altercation was with one of his employees.
 "Oh." he said. Dead-eyed, drooping cheeked, walked away.

*I found out later that he had extensive insurance out on all his staff and he was probably trying to gauge whether or not he could profit from something unpleasant happening to we. He was already profiting off of something unpleasant happening to we*

Things, they seem small, don't they? Nothing is ever small enough.

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