Saturday, June 9, 2018

desiring-thing, production lacks imagination, and that which drives is a social one: an algorithm-dependent configuration

desire is a real, productive force.
machinations of nature as a kind of
circuit breaker in a larger connected.

flow desire from itself. redeem the one,
all I ever knew was Deleuze and Guattari

imagine a universe without me.

I sat so near you and said that one cannot be judged nor determined by their desire, as it was wholly a construct of the social, we are all attracted to more or less to similar tropes, within the communities we exist, unless we seek out difference, endeavor otherness. and, you agreed. as you often did then. and it was good. for me. one of the only times I was self-aware and glad to be blonde and blue and baby, "There are no desiring-machines that exist outside the social machines that they form on a large scale; and no social machines without the desiring machines that inhabit them on a small scale."

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