Monday, July 17, 2017

problematics in songs with what a wicked thing to do, to make me dream of you, b.u.t We Are Always With The Hermit what a wicked thing to say to make me feel that way

You could be ruminating       Judgment about someone's actions or attitude
(word)you question seeing him or her again (both)
You feel you have already completed your promises to that episode in your life. (we out)

The Hermit holds a torch in his left hand
more light must be shed on the situation. (link me horoscope wells) take time for solitude
(again) consult with your own inner wisdom.
There is still much that remains in the dark.
Take time before making a final decision.

follow your heart's true ("true") desires wherever they lead.
Something as simple as a provocative e-mail, or a surprise phone call
could reap big rewards. Sun is a rite of passage and moves you to a higher

reverence for the past could jeopardize an existing relationship (obviously) 
as a friend reaches out for support on Thursday. pulled by a horse presents conflict
a dark horse eventually changes the direction of your romantic life (whatever the hell that is)

*i never dreamed i'd lose somebody like you*

Wishing on a The Star             trigger an out of the ordinary event.
you suddenly know you are on the right path to a longed-for new (thirsty, new)
all the proper ingredients are mixing a magical elixir       new destination.

a noble figure who could appear in form 
we turn for answers to the many questions
harried world presents. such a figure and
has no professional title you feel an urge to confide (easy)

Willful behavior cannot be prevented      you've been too blasé      in relating to an important other, you may have built a false house of cards
that can tumble just  Whatever is destroyed
may not be as big a loss as you thought (hahah, I see where you are going with this)
it could be that it was time for that edifice to go (ffff that one thing, though)


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