Wednesday, January 31, 2018

I am in Frankfurt airport terminal 1, I need to be in 2, and thinking of you, and how *i like to be easy* cause you keep it sad and safe

I'm dating myself to think of you. Systems and analysis. Fake shit, of course. The work is less the work, someone talked them, all of them--not on my watch--to make any cheap thing, cheap without intent of its own. To make any cheap thing and write about its referent but not transform anything. Make anything you want, a pencil, or whatever, something more tragic, probably (but I should tell you the story of accidentally tattooing my baby brother) Make a tragic thing, a facsimile of a "real" thing (oh, yeah, point out that it isn't real)...use the simplest tools possible for you, make a thing, and then simply write a 5th grade research essay that ponders nothing new, analysis, nonexistent. Just write out some facts about a thing that your thing is well a fake version of *thinking of you* and then quickly, sloppily align it to your object. Make no declarative. Keep it safe.

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