Friday, January 19, 2018

we awful, you (should be) insecure

ability to synthesize conversations into a statement
group project (which is true, equality of voice sought),
but felt (my v specific tinge of) familiar guilt--which
is that that was easy because they have many convos,
I practice those dark things, a means of pointed exaggeration

(and, am in the company of v smart ppl aware of this, but all-personal not always the case). 

So, blanket statement, for future interactions--we difficult, 
I know: we brainwash. We say something with conviction; 
you listen and nod your head, maybe. We say it again, online, 
offline, a few weeks later; the sentiment feels familiar, you 
listen more receptively because it seems to be shared by more. 
We bring it up again; you finish the sentence, you think it is yours. 

*it sounds upsetting, it is manipulative, it is example & study & research--
a way to mold the world...transform through language--trust that I do this. 
trust I am not the only one. trust that I will always be a bit fucked up, but 
I'll tell you what I am doing to your face, time to be an active listener.

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